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Progressive and easy to use scoring and Club Admin.

Using Secure FTP for XML

As Microsoft do NOT support Passive mode FTP, it is often useful to use Secure FTP to avoid communications being blocked by firewalls.

The following process moves you to using sftp for your web transfers and is a much nicer method of handling the file transfer process.

Scorer User Manual

The manual can be downloaded here.

This is the manual distributed with NZ Scorer version 22.

It is possible that there are some features in Scorer which have been inadvertently omitted from the manual.

Below are some helpful hints and links

Here are some other interesting articles related to the changes in Scorer:

  1. The rationale behind "The Neuberg Formula" by Max Bavin, Chief Tournament Director, EBU. 
  2. VP Theory for XIMP and Butler scoring.



Scorer Overview

NZ Scorer is the most used Bridge Scoring package in New Zealand

Scorer 20+ Important Notes

Scorer 20.09 update – 9/9/20

It is now possible to offset movements so that the resting boards from one section can be used in the other section.

Default section has been corrected to show the first available section in sort order.

The Admin report - "Player numbers by calendar week" had been modified to show weeks where there is no play inone year.  This allows reporting for covid and loss of player numbers.


Scorer 20.07 update –
Significant changes and IMPORTANT notes

  1. For simplicity of use in smaller clubs, if
    1. the user Admin exists in the club membership
    2. The user Admin has no password
    3. The user Admin has level 9 Admin Password Level
  2. Setup of Pairs events has been simplified with the removal of "Room" and defaulting the first section.
  3. Simple Mitchel movements are the same but all Howell / One-winner movements, Web / Bowman Mitchell movements and other movements are classified as custom movements and are able to be loaded by the user. Many movement csv files are available on the BridgeNZ site for download here, and the process is documented here
  4. If there are custom movements that the club has generated in the old movements and requires them to be moved to the new custom movements then please contact BridgeNZ and email the old movement file.
  5. The option to score multiple sections for a single event and NOT score across sections has been temporarily suspended. The session will be scored across sections.  If the user wishes to score sections independently they are able to create separate events and use the common database procedure found in the Manual.
  6. Handicaps screen has changed significantly for session handicaps.
    Starting pairs are shown and any pair where one or both players do not have a handicap are highlighted.
    Also Handicap button is now RED if there are players with no handicap assigned, and Grey if all the players have handicaps assigned.
  7. Section screen for pairs has “Edit Received Data” button to allow editing of results after upload. This is for expert users only, but allows contract and pair numbers to be changed when going to the web. If pair numbers are changed in the Board Scores then this will allow a match for XML to the web.
  8. Special ladders can now be sent to the web. This means that cross-competition laddres can be run with results going to the web.
  9. Tournament Entries:
    1. There is a button to delete all entries. This is sometimes useful if the entries have been imported into the wrong event.
    2. Import from csv has been fixed to allow for quoted or non-quoted headings in the csv file
  10. Ladders: “Force Qualify List” in the ladders screen will now add pairs and allocated scored to the session selected in the right panel. There was a bug where the score was only added to the final session and not the appropriate session. This option allows the user to add a pair to a ladder after being eliminated from a higher event or to put in a “double substitute” if that is allowed.

Scorer and BridgeTab related Documents

Useful Downloadable Resources

The latest V20 Scorer User Manual in MS Word format

 Click Here

 Document on Creating Custom Movements

 Click Here for MS Word docx file

 Click Here for pdf file

 Running Teams with BridgeTabs - MP4 created from Pawerpoint

 Click Here for Running Teams filmstrip

Running Teams with 3 clubs 18 teams (2 from each grade)

 Click Here for Word document

 To download Training powerpoint for BridgeTabs

 Click Here 

or pdf of this presentation here

Extra hints for working with BridgeTabs

 Click Here 

or pdf of this presentation here

 The process for dealing using Dealer4 after generating files in BOS

 Click Here



House Keeping in scorer.bat

Housekeeping automation in Scorer.bat

There are several sets of files which should be regularly cleaned out as the files are redundant once the sessions have been completed and all the information is stored in Scorer.

In order to clean up these files it is possible to add some simple commands to the startup batch file for Scorer (scorer.bat)

Normal layout

The standard contents of scorer.bat will look something like this:


subst S: "C:\NZB Scorer"
start scorer.exe


We can add some simple commands to this file in order to do some housekeeping.

BWS Files

forfiles /p ".\BWS files" /m *.* /D -15 /C "cmd /c move @file .\archive"


The line above "Archives" or "moves" the bws files (used by BridgePads/BridgeTabs/BridgeMates) to an archive folder if they are more than 20 days old.

Add the following line to delete files from the archive if they are more than 30 days old.

forfiles /p ".\BWS files\archive" /m *.* /D -30 /C "cmd /c del @file"


C-point files

forfiles /p ".\Cpts\posted" /m *.* /D -10 /C "cmd /c del @file"


The line above deletes all the C-point files sent to NZB more than 10 days ago.  These are totally redundant and are only kept for historical tracking and are never re-sent - they are always regenerated if required.

The Resulting File

After adding the commands the resulting scorer.bat will look something like this:


subst S: "C:\NZB Scorer"
forfiles /p ".\BWS files" /m *.* /D -15 /C "cmd /c move @file .\archive"

forfiles /p ".\BWS files\archive" /m *.* /D -30 /C "cmd /c del @file"

forfiles /p ".\Cpts\posted" /m *.* /D -10 /C "cmd /c del @file"

start scorer.exe


If you don't feel confident making these changes yourself then you can arrange a time for BridgeNZ to assist - please call or email to arrange a time - it only takes a couple of minutes.

BOS Hand Generation and Dealing with Dealer4

Dealing using BOS and Dealer4


With the update to BOS-X  [BOS package 10.13 and later] the DupSoft hand records display slightly differently.

It is important to note that users who have not yet updated to the latest version of BOS should be doing so as soon as practical. If you need help please contact BridgeNZ.

The purpose of this document is to allow the user to configure their system to be able to see all the information previously available without compromising the security of the deals.

The “Normal” process

  1. Start BOS
  2. Create New
  3. Enter the session name [e.g. 19-02-14-Feb Pairs]
  4. Create
  5. Randomise
    The screen which “usually” appears is like this:

    It needs to be changed to look like this:
  6. This will now show the deals on screen, but by choosing “Reverse Order” only the last deal in the set will show on screen, and if an extra board or two are generated (not necessarily dealt) then this will never be an issue.
  7. When “Save is pressed the screen appears like this

    Note that only the last board shows on screen and the makeable status is there for you to see when it finishes.
  8. To save these settings permanently, choose System -> Default Document Settings
  9. Change the settings to the defaults you want, and Save
  10. Next time you generate a set of deals, the last deal will show on screen but you will see the increase in the makeable contracts.

This is a one-off change and you won’t need to do these changes every time you deal – just back to “Normal” but a new normal.

End of year processes in Scorer

Just a reminder that there are several process which should be kept in mind at the end of the year.

Get your really helpful hint document for

Scorer End of Year processing by clicking here