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RealBridge and Scorer V22

Download of USEBIO and PBN files

After running your RealBridge session, click on the "USEBIO" button in RealBridge

This gives a list of files 

  • Right-click on the USEBIO file and choose "Save as.." option

We suggest that a directory is created under the Scorer folder [e.g. S:\_RealBridgeFiles ] to save these files and make them easy to find. 

  • Right-click on the PBN file and choose "SaveAs" again to the S:\RealBridgeFiles folder.

NOTE: It doesn't matter which file you download - with or without bidding.


In Scorer - PAIRS

  • Go to the session where you want the results to be.
  • In the set up sections screen, there is now a button at the top right "Import USEBIO" - click on this.
  • You can now browse to the saved XML file that has just been saved and select this.
  • When the section is imported, exit the setup screen and come back in.
  • You can now "Calculate results" and MasterPoints will be sent as per normal sessions.
  • Attach the PBN file as the Dealing File in the session.
  • Click XML to send the results to the BridgeNZ results site and the results will be published as usual.


Teams and Swiss Pairs

Go to the section setup for the event.

The RealBridge results will be imported starting at the CURRENTLY SELECTED ROUND

e.g. If Round 3 is selected, then the first round in the RealBridge file will come in as Round 3. If there are two rounds in the file, then the second round will be imported as Round 4 and so on.

The PBN file can be loaded for the dealing file in the Draw screen.

Results can be sent to the BridgeNZ Result site with the Web button as usual.

Friday, 04 March 2022

Print :
Press the Print icon above to open a pop-up, then press the icon again in the pop-up to print out.