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Articles in Category: General


Board Quality

The latest shipment of EBA Boards have a bowing so they do not sit flat on the table. 

This is how they are supplied from the manufacturer and this does not appear to have any affect on their use on the table or in the Dealer4 machines.

These boards have catches which are harder to open than the Super Plus boards from Jannersten, but are the same style as originally sold with the Autodealer dealing machines.

We are offering a very good discount due to the bowing in the boards but the boards are, nevertheless good quality and there should be no problems with their normal use.

June 2022 Scorer Update V22.2 with Cashless Payments

Updates to Scorer - Process


Scorer Major updates are now periodic, and development has produced a robust scoring system with a solid database to store your data.

Cashless Payments have been integrated into the latest version to make it easy for the club to accept and account for multiple forms of payment, removing any requirements for vouchers/tickets and even for cash, but at the same time allowing for all these forms of payment to be taken and audited.

The latest release also heralds the requirement to update any older versions of SQL Server (pre-2016) to SQL Server 2019 Express as some of the new code requires the use of functions not available in the earlier versions of SQL Server. Please contact BridgeNZ for us to update SQL Server at a special discounted rate available until September 1 2022. 


See the documentation HERE


To see the Latest Scorer User Manual click HERE

BBO & RealBridge

BBO Help

Until lockdown drops and clubs return, BBO has been a much in demand resource for Bridge Players.

This link takes you to a series of YouTube videos to help you with BBO - an excellent resource

BBO YouTube Videos


Laws of Duplicate Bridge 2017

Latest Law book released

The Laws of Duplicate Bridge are required, by the consitiution of the World Bridge Federation, to be reviewed at least every 10 years.  The latest review is complete and ratified and BridgeNZ have published the Laws in New Zealand.

Implementation in NZ is 1 August, 2017. 


Please read the article in this link

2017 Law 26 change by WBF

and download the replacement Law 26

 Purchase Now